Book: Applying UML and Patterns
Table Of Contents |
01. OOA & OOD |
paper: Dr Frederick Brooks - "No silver bullet"
book: Dr Frederick Brooks - "Myhtical Man Month"
article: "Death by UML Fever"
"What UML is and Isn't"
Martin Fowler - "UML Distilled"
Rumbaugh - "TheUnified Modelling Language Reference Manual"
02. Iterative, Evolutionary and Agile |
iterative/agile methods:
- XP extreme programming
- Scrum (30 day iteration, daily meeting with 3/4 specific questions per person)
- UP Unified Process
- iterative lifecycle
- risk driven development
CASE: a case tool for reverse engeneering into UML
UP tries to balance "stabilize set of requirements VS changing requirements"
- requirements
- design
- implementation
- test
- show/feedback
- requirements
rapid feedback
load testing: change of architecture required?
timeboxing: deadline > scope (failing deadline means descoping)
testing: Unit, acceptance, load, usability, ...
Risk Driven:
- identify & drive down high risks
- architecture-centered in early iterations
Client Driven: build visible & important features (from the client point of view)
- timeboxed
- iterative
- evolutionary refinement
- plans
- requirements
- design
- adaptation planning
- incremental delivery
purpose of modelling: understand, communicate (not document)
Book: Agile Modelling - Ambler02
Phase plan: major milestones (not detail)
Iteration plan: detailed, only 1 iteration ahead
UP development:
- short timeboxed iterative
- evolutionary
- adaptive
UP phases: IECT
- inception feasable?
- elaboration core architecture & high risk
- costruction low risk & prepare deployment
- transition beta, deployment
IID: Iterative Incremental Development
Book: Mythical Man Month - Dr F. Brooks
Book: recommended resources p40
04. Inception |
H4 Inception (not requirements phase)
"Le mieux est l'ennemie du bien" - Voltaire
Inception:purpose + feasibility
- common vision
- basic scope
- Envision
- product scope
- vision
- business case
- Do stakeholders agree
- vision
- worth investigating
cf oil drilling: no physical tests, only gathering of feasibility
"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning indispensable" - Nixon90, BF00
05. Evolutionary Requirement |
H5 Evolutionary Requirement
manage requirements: systematic approach tofinding, documenting, organizing and tracking thechangingrequirements.
definition requirements: capabilities & conditions that apply to system & project to which they must conform
- Functional
- Usability
- Reliability
- Performance
- Supportability
- + implementation, interface, operations, packaging, legal
- functional (behavioral)
- non-functional (rest)
recommended resources p 59
06. Use-case |
H6 Use-case
text(not diagrams)
actor: something with behavior
scenario/use-case instance:
- sequence of actions and interactions
- one path through the use-case
- successor failure
use-case: collection of related scenario's
- brief (early req)
- casual (early req)
- fully dressed (after most use-cases are identified)
- during req workshop (10%)
- simple
- accessible to users
SuD: System under Discussion
Actor Kinds:
- primary: fulfills user-goals
- uses services of SuD
- why? find user goals
- supporting: provides a service to the SuD
- why? find external interfaces and protocols
- offstage: has interest in behavior
- why? find all necessary interests (identified & satisfied)
Book: Allistair Cockburn - Writing Effective Use Cases
"most popular book and approach to use case modelling"
format: single column/double column
CRUD: Create Retrieve Update Delete
G:Writing Style
- essential: early requirements
- no UI
- intentions of user
- responsiblities of system
- NOT concrete actions
- concrete: GUI design
- concrete actions
- UI embedded in text
G:Black Box Use-Cases
- describe Responsibilities (not workings)
G:Perspective: Actor & Actor-Goal
"an observable result of value to a particular actor"
- focus on actors (goals, typical situations)
- focus valuable result for actor
G: Tests
- Boss: "What have you done all day?"
- EBP: Elementary Business Process
- task
- 1 person
- 1 place
- 1 time
- response to event
- adds value
- leaves data in consistent state
- Size: fully dressed is 3-10 pages
- Exception: separate use case for less text duplication
actor-goal use-case table: a tool to start with
use-case driven development:
- functional requirements use mainly use-cases
- use cases are important part of iterative planning
- use case realizations drive design
Book: recommended resources p99
07. Other Requirements |
H7 Other Requirements
"fast, cheap, good: choose any two"
only a first approximation (not reliable specification)
- supplementary specification
- glossary
- terms & definitions
- data dictionary
- vision
- executive summary
- > communicates the big ideas
- buisiness rules/domain rules
Recommended resourcesp119
08. Iteration 1: Basics |
H8 Iteration 1: Basics
each iteration a subset of a requirement/use-case is implemented (not necessarily all)
start production-quality programming before all requirement analysis is complete
Inception & Elaboration
artifacts: brief, incomplete
core+risky software architecture
- programmed
- tested
most requirements
- discovered
- stabilized
major risks
- mitigated (less serious/gravity)
- retired (solved)
architectural prototype
- is a production subset of final system
- not discardable experiment
- domain model: visualization of domain concepts
- design model: set of diagrams of logical design (class, interaction, package) diagrams
- software architecture document: key architecture issues + resolution in design
- data model: DB schema's, mapping objet <> non-object
- use-case storyboards,UI prototypes: description UI, navigation paths, usability, ...
Planning next iteration
organize requirements and iterations
- Risk: technical complexity, ...
- Coverage: all major parts touched in early iterations, "wide & shallow"
- Criticality: high business value
09. Domain Models (A) |
H9 Domain Models
"It's all very well in practice, but it will never work in theory."
- most important/used model in OOA
- illustrates noteworthy concepts
- inspiration >> design objects
- input >> other artifacts
OOA/D knowledge > UML notation
Analysis Paralysis: trying to make a "correct" domain model
general definition:
Domain Model: visual representation of conceptual classes/real situation objects.
aka: conceptual model, domain model, analysis object model
UP Domain Model: representation ofreal-situationconceptual classes (not software objects)
- not diagrams of software objects
- not domain layer of software architecture
- not software objects with responsibilities(=methods)
specialization ofBusinessObjectModel (BOM)
in UML: class diagrams without operations(=methods)
- domain objects or conceptual classes
- associations
- attributes
Domain Model is a "Visual Dictionary" of abstraction, vocabulary, information context (info could have been put in the UP Glossary)
- software objects (Java, C#)
- software artifacts (unless this is the domain eg. GUI)
- responsibilities or methods
domain layer: layer of software objects below presentation or UI layer, composed of domain objects(+methods)
conceptual class: idea, thing, object
- symbol: name eg. "Sale"
- intension: definition eg. "event of purchase transaction"
- extension: all examples eg. "all sale instances in the universe"
data model: persistent data
domain model: conceptual class can be without attributes or volatile
lower representational gap with OO Modelling
UP Domain Model inspires UP Design Model (names)
BOUNDED by current iteration requirements
- find conceptual classes
- draw them in UML class diagram
- add associations & attributes
G:Finding Conceptual Classes:
3 strategies:
- reuse/modify existing models
- category list
- noun phrase
1.Reusepublished, well crafted
- domain models
- data models (transformed to domain model)
Book: Analysis Patterns - Martin Fowler
Book: Data Model Patterns - David Hay
Book: Data Model Resource Book (vol 1,2) - Len Silverston
2.Category List: list of candidate conceptual classes through standard questions/categories
3.Noun Phrase Identification:
textual description of a domain (eg. use-cases)
noun, noun phrases=>candidate conceptual class/attribute
- imprecision of natural language
- some may refer to conceptual classes that are ignored in this iteration
G: sketch UML with bottom & right side of boxes open
G: Maintain model in a tool?
- ONLY if there is a practical reason to maintain it
- UML CASE tool
G: Report Objects (receipt)
- :-( only duplication/derrived information
- :-) special role? (handle return)
G: Mapmaker Strategy
cf "Use the Domain Vocabulary" strategy
- use existing names of the territory
- exclude irrelevant/out-of-scope features
- don't add things that are not there
G: Attributes vs Classes
"if you do not think of it as a number or text in the real world, its probably a conceptual class, not an attribute"
G: Description Classes (aka specification)
aka "Item Descriptor" Pattern
- duplication (space, errors)
- if all instances are removed, info is not available
- description of item/service is independent of current existence
- deleting instance => loss of information that must be maintained
- reduces redundant or duplicated information
09. Domain Models (B) |
H9 Domain Models
association: relationship between classes (instances)
UML: "semantic relationship between classifiers that involve connections among their instances"
G: When?
- knowledge of relationship needs to be preserved for some time
- derived from 'Common Associations List
G: Avoid many associations
UML: Notation
- line betweeen classes
- Capitalized association name
- bidirectional
G: Naming
- 'Classname - VerbPhrase - Classname' format
- meaningful
- CamelCaps/hyphen-bound
UML: Roles (each end of association)
- multiplicity:Store 1---* Item
- name
- navigability
UML: Multiple Associations possible
attribute: logical data value of object
only for information requirements of current scenario's
G: When?
- requirements imply "need to remember information"
UML: Notation
visibility name : type multiplicity = default {property-string}
/derrived-attribute // calculated from other values
G: Attribute requirements >> UP Glossary (instead of as attribute)
G: Attribute Types
- equality by value (not identity)
- immutable?
eg: primitive data types, date/time, address/contact, enum, ...
G: Define new Data Types?
- seperate sections?
- operations associated (parse/validate)
- quantity with unit (price, weight)
- abstraction
G: No foreign key (association)
G: Quantities & Units (distinct classes, as type or association)
Process: Iterative & Evolutionary Domain Modelling
- usually only inelaborationphase
- incremental
- limited to prior & current scenario's under considerdation
recommended resources p 170