Video: Agile Fluency - Ahmed Avais

Agile Fluency - Ahmed Avais

OMV model
Measure (how will you know)
Value (back to org)

Agile Fluency Model
- Not for business agility
-> team based

History: created during the framework wars

[ ] Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great
[ ] Liftoff: Start and Sustain Successful Agile Teams
[ ] Five Rules for Accelerated Learning

[ ] The Art of Agile Development

unit of work is the team

with time: deliberate practice -> fluent proficiency

natural working teams
== daily
!= weekly gathering (workgroup)

we live in a VUCA world

"teams are mirrors of the organization"
-if you see dysfunction in a team
- if multiple teams have a problem, it's and organizations problem

improvement kata

-> this team needs to be in delivering

-> Omid, a wealth management company

Agile Fluency Suite
What else?

(not recommended anymore)

free ebooks
free articles

[ ] Book: team topologies


Is AFM top-down or bottom-up?
If you don't have the executive support, these things don't last.
executive sponsorship
people may 'rebel' and do these things, but even if they achieve beautiful things, they leave after a time

Does a team need to be proficient in all practices of a zone?
Are they receiving the benefits of a zone?
What other things could we try?

(there are practice maps for coaches and facilitators)

Is there any maturity model for agile fluency?
Within each zone, there is a level of maturity.
But look at the benefits

How can we start assessing our
We do it in a crowdsourced way.
We bring the team in the same room.
Charts with 21 questions
Put dots up
Compare responses
eg. "are 20% of your stories always estimated?"
discuss the splits in responses
Listen to the discussion, extract the words and what they say
(4 month facilitator training)

How can fluency be sustained? With churn...?
Stable teams are very important.
Reality is churn already happens
Look at fast agile or dynamic reteaming, and see why some of the old models (norming, forming, storming) don't work in the complex environment we work in.
It really is not an issue

If we achieve the purpose of zone, in order to proceed further, what needs to be done?
On day 1 you can start practicing multiple zones

If we're on the Agile Plateau, how can we shake it up?
Introduce Mob Programming, it's usually easier than pair programming.
You need to introduce an area where people can practice and learn. (code dojo)

How can we identify if a team is a plateau?
You don't get the benefit you expected
Repeating the same problems, not improving.

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