Video: Does a DDD need an agile business? - virtualDDDmeetup
Time: Tuesday, December 3th. 2019:19:30 Amsterdam time.On twitter, a discussion started between Trond, Anton and Krisztina about working in agile product development without a clear business goal. Since twitter is a restricted medium to discuss these issues, we are taking it upon our VirtualDDD Meetup.Join us with Trond, Anton and Krisztina and let's have an honest discussion about what it means to work agile. What are the pros and cons? We dig into the underlying principles and philosophy of agile, diving into the practical instead of the theoretics of business agility. Do we need the business to be agile to do proper Domain-driven design, and what are the overlaps between agile and Domain-driven design?@TrondSCRUM - DARK SCRUMno need for standupno need for sprintsSprint Goals make it all worksuddenly all makes sense@Antonworks in Medium dark scrumArtificial Sprint Goals-> PO selects the highest prio story, and then writes a sprint goal around it"I don't need sprints or scrum""kanban works perfectly fine"@Krisztinawe agree on goals, focus, timeboxif all stakeholders are in line, we don't need borders/timebox, they don't interrupt, we work togetherscrum makes transparent what does not work(or atleast that something does not work)@Kennyfrom Complex to Complicated@Krisztinavariable sprint lengthrelease always, not only at end of sprint@Trondtimebox is an enabling constraint@MarcoWhat would non-agile DDD look like?@KennyIT as a feature factory"here are some feature requirements, go build them"@marcothat works in obvious problemsbut that's not where DDD shinesppl learn through iteration, communicationyou need to model and model deeper when you get new insightsagile & DDD are driven by same principlesiterations ~ whirlpool ~ inspect&adapt@Trondsocio-technical systemsnew concept: deliberationnow: control from the topworked tailoristknowledge workneeds: product teams@?"We don't need middle-mgmt"@KennyI have a problem with thatwho decides on strategy?how are they working together@MarcoMiddle mgmt is the wrong metaphorsocio-technical systems
- context maps
some ppl work in
- 1 bounded context
- between contexts
- overview
the problem is taking agile as a tool to manage, instead of as a mindset
"tweet about culture in leadership I have pinned forever"
developers should just stop
my mgr is in command&control, what should you do?
it depends on which communication problem you're having
spiral dynamics
"I'm focussed on me unless it becomes too complex"
if you try to impose this way of thinking on someone who tries to become a better leader in the hierarchy, it's hard
you need to find some agents in the system to talk to
(agents up in the hierarchy)
pilots for cross functional teams
buy-in from leadership
devs need to stop talking so technical
we need a DDD book without technical words
(DDD for PO's)
aggregates for non-technical ppl
getting PO's on board is not enough
budgets & leadership needs to be on board
just world bias/hypothesis
-eg karma
-eg "mgmt will get what they deserve"
Abiba gave some great talks about certainty
inspect&adapt -> lots of uncertainty
most agile business do not sell a product
they sell a promise that the product will grow in to the needs all the time
What could you do tomorrow?
-> guerilla event storming
model and ask "do you mean this"
make a mistake
-> example mapping
get better at knowing what communication ppl need
learning to communicate what communication ppl need, not what you want to tell
go for eventstorming, ...
ask better questions
challenge the obvious
don't assume that everyone things this is ok
you're not the only one in the company
find your agents
ask for an iteration or 2 to experiment
our squad is way too big
3 goals within the goal
lets try to split up
Do we need to let it crash&burn
// trying to solve a problem, but they don't have a problem
I try to understand the motivation behind it
usually someone experienced something so painful in the past
think about the system
it's a systemic problem
if someone is not in your team
if they are not a stakeholder (=no interest)
figure out how this would interest them
every human should do regular retrospectives
"I don't want to improve on that right now"
"you make me feel like everything I've learned is not worth anything, I don't want that"
->spiral dynamics
-> happy self-reflective time
// but what if you dont want to