Video: The Scaling Dilemma - Mary Poppendieck

Book: Six Simple Rules - Yves Morieux, Peter Tollman
Book: Creativity, Inc. - Ed Catmull
Book: This Is Lean - Niklas Modig
Book: The Mythical Man-Month - Frederick Brooks
Book: Continuous Delivery - Jez Humble, David Farley
Book: Building Microservices - Sam Newman
Book: INSPIRED - Marty Cagan
Book: Start With Why - Simon Sinek
Book: Lean Startup - Eric Ries


cross functional team is still a silo
team does not cooperate across teams, so silo, just multi functional silo

autonomy being so important, that

Book: Six simple Rules - Yves Morieux and Peter Tollman
how do businesses work when large
the entire problem of large companies is the balance between autonomy and cooperation

What is the ideal team size? Agile answer is 7+-2

Robin Dunbar

inner circle
very close friends or family members
sympathy group
close friends who care about each other's fate
hunting group
collegues who care about each other's fate
-how much it takes to achieve a goal
people who maintain stable inter-personal relationships
-everybody knows eachother
-peer pressure works
people who speak the same language or dialect

go modular
remove dependencies - also in codebase

That's how many it takes to bring a project like this to the market.

Book: Creativity Inc - Ed Catmull
how Pixar managed to have great teamwork in big team ~200

When you get bigger than 7+-2
you still wanna have one team
maybe multiple sub-teams
but only 1 team goal
nobody succeeds unless that one succeeds

A) Shared Responsibility
Everybody succeeds or fails together

Book: This Is Lean - Niklas Modig
everybody on the team maintains situational awareness

What makes scaling work?
"Shared goals with situational awareness across the teams that share the goal"


Book: The Mythical Man Month - Fred Brooks

how to get it stable?

where it's actually in production

How to poke your code base?

Continuous Delivery - Jez Humble
split deployment vs release with feature toggles

microservice = independently deployable

Book: Building Microservices
build, maintain, monitor, fix
extensive automation and monitoring

Book: Inspired - Mary Cagan

Start With Why - Dan Pink
The Lean Startup - Eric Ries

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